Davide Macullo Architects | SWISS HOUSE X
Davide Macullo Architects is an international architecture and design studio based in Lugano, Southern Switzerland. Studio di architettura in Ticino, Svizzera.
Davide Macullo, Architects, Swiss Architect, Ticino Architect, International Architect, Lugano Architect, international architecture, design, design studio, architecture studio, architect switzerland, swiss architecture, contemporary, art, studio architettura ticino, architetti ticino, ticino architetto, architetto ticinese, architetto svizzero, architetto
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Canobbio, Ticino


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Partner Marco Strozzi

Nestled on the Alpine slopes north of Lugano, this house is characterised by a volumetric architecture that emerges from the terrain and follows the natural contour of the land.

Its constructed volumes embrace the land in an organic and fluent sequence of spaces, each relating to each other and to the surrounding landscape. In order to communicate an identity and a language to the inhabitants, the project has a strong and precise form, its clearly identifiable geometric structure delimits an organised development of spaces.

Carved in a clear square geometry, the spaces meet the slope and extend in a spiral, fluent movement that continuously changes the perception of the space and its relationship to the exterior, offering striking panoramic views across the hinterland and to Lake Lugano.
