Complete Bibliography


“Cover story, Architettura residenziale: Residenza Mater Viganello”, Tuttocasa, Switzerland, Dicembre 2024 PDF

“Temple of Thought by Davide Macullo SA”, Rethinking the Future, 29.11.24 link

“Temple of Thought in Rossa, Switzerland”, e-architect, 29.11.24 link 

“Er komen 41 nieuwe woningen aan IJsselfront Sliuskwartier in Deventer”, De Stentor, 08.11.24 link

“Jeju Island, South Korea: An itinerary focused on art, architecture and design”, CNA Channel News Asia, 28.09.24 link

“ISPACE by Davide Macullo Architects SA”, moool, 30.08.24, China link

“Vivre l’architecture” Sèrie d’ètè, La Libertè, 6 Julliet 2024, Switzerland PDF

“Rossa, il ritorno del tempo. Otto spazi-scultura nel bosco dell’alta Calanca” L’Osservatore, 25.05.2024, Switzerland PDF

“Complessa semplicità,” images, nr.52, Inverno 2024, Italy PDF

“ÄUSSERLICHKEITEN…und innere Werte,” First Magazine, 1.24, Switzerland PDF

“Klare Strukturen,” Architektur, 1.24, Switzerland PDF

“Wap Art Space,” Area,  08.02.24, South Korea PDF


“Eins Mit der Natur,” Das Ideale Heim n. 11, November 2023, Switzerland PDF

“Davide Macullo’s interwoven timber pavilions nestle in the Swiss Alps woodland,”, 1 September 2023 link

“Nature, Art, Perception, Territory,” G&G Magazine, September 2023 PDF

“Davide Macullo’s interwoven timber pavilions nestle in the Swiss Alps woodland,” designboom, September 2023 link

“I 25 migliori studi di architettura in Svizzera”, Archello, Agosto 2023 link

“Trutzburg – Elemente aus Sichtbeton,” ID Architektur, 03.2023, Switzerland PDF

“Space, art and emotions with multi-award winning architect Davide Macullo”, Design Courier, 16.02.2023 link

“Kunstbau – Swisshouse XXXV,” 101 Traumhäuser – Die Schönsten Einfamilienhäuser für jedes Grundstück 2023, Callwey, Germany PDF

“Ressourcensparendes zweistöckiges Haus”, Inspiration Design! Architektur & Design 1.23, Germany PDF


“Rebuilding Ukraine – Through the lens of Soviet modernism”, Hub magazine n.21, Corriere del Ticino, 11.2022, Switzerland PDF

“Da Cima Norma a “exfabrica”,” voce di blenio, Switzerland PDF

“Swisshouse XXXVI,” Häuser des Jahres – Die 50 besten Einfamilienhäuser 2022, Callwey, Germany PDF

“Swisshouse XXXVI,” Livings Detail 03, 2022, ANC, Korea PDF

“Schubladendenken,” Das Einfamilien Haus, nr 03 2022, Etzel Verlag AG, Switzerland PDF

“Archi-culture- To observe nature, and to be nature: two concepts,” Hub magazine n.17, Corriere del Ticino, 06.2022, Switzerland PDF

“L’architect et la vallée oubliée,” L’information Immobiliere n.138, été 2022, Switzerland PDF

“Archi-commento- La nuova Tirana, Challenges of a new era,” Hub magazine n.16, Corriere del Ticino, 05.2022, Switzerland PDF

“A thousand years old, yet perfectly contemporary,” Hub magazine n.13, Corriere del Ticino, 02.2022, Switzerland PDF

“The power of architecture – Swisshouse XXXV,” Home’Society Magazine, Winter issue 01/02 2022, BRABBU Design Forces, Portugal PDF

“Kontext definiert Form,” traumhaus, Januar/Februar 2022, BL Verlag AG, Switzerland PDF


“Les chapelles de Rossa,” Architecture Suisse, 223 n.4-2021, Editions Anthony Krafft, Switzerland PDF

“Archi-culture – A happy experience of profound lightness,” Hub magazine n.12, Corriere del Ticino, 12.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Von der DNA eines Ortes und der Übersetzung in die Zukunft,” architektur zentralschweiz bauen+handwerk, 2021/22, AW Architektur-Velags, Switzerland PDF

“SWISSHOUSE XXXVI Muttenz,” Concept, vol. 272, CA Press, South Korea PDF

“Archi-culture – ‘Little island’, a masterpiece of philanthropy,” Hub magazine n.11, Corriere del Ticino, 11.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Architektuur, Kunst en Welzijn,” ELLE  Décor, 11.21, Hearst, Belgium PDF

“A healing architecture – The essence of Humanity,” Hub magazine n.10, Corriere del Ticino, 10.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Was gefällt, ist begehrt.,” CUBATURA Graubünden, 01.21, CUBATURA Kommunikation und Verlag, Switzerland PDF

“Holzblatt – Hier verwurzelt,” Sonderausgabe Sonderpreis «gefällt» 2021, Graubünden Holz, Switzerland PDF

“Ligne – Nouvelle forme d’art?,” Agefi Life, nr. 129 Automne 2021, 10.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Archi-culture – A biometric schield against cosmic pessimism,” Hub magazine n.9, Corriere del Ticino, 09.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Davide Macullo – Between architecture and poetry,” Villas, nr.107 Autumn ’21, Villas Decoration srl, Brussels PDF

“La passeggiata improvvisa,” Hub magazine n.8, Corriere del Ticino, 08.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Bruciare d’entusiasmo,” Hub magazine n.8, Corriere del Ticino, 08.2021, Switzerland PDF

Miki Tallone – [ēx], Switzerland

“Engadina. How the mountains age,” Hub magazine n.7, Corriere del Ticino, 07.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Swisshouse XXXV Rossa,” Platform – Best internationalhouses design selection, 06.2021, Publicomm Srl, Italy PDF

“Archi-culture – From Factory to luxury Hotel: in China,” Hub magazine n.6, Corriere del Ticino, 06.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Chenot Palace Weggis,” Die beste Architekturprojekte der schweizer Baudokumentation 20/21 arc award, Docu Media Schweiz GmbH, Switzerland PDF

“ISPACE,” cult mensile culturale RSI, giugno 2021, Club Rete Due, Switzerland PDF

“Codice Zurigo,” Hub magazine n.5, Corriere del Ticino, 05.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Zurück ins Gleichgewicht,” Schwimmbad+Sauna Magazin, no. 5-6/2021, Fachschriften-Verlag GmbH, Germany PDF

“Archi-culture – Transient flames that teach us to build,” Hub magazine n.4, Corriere del Ticino, 04.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Swiss movement,” ADF Architects Data file, April, netMAGmedia Ltd., United Kingdom PDF

“ISPACE,” L’Arca International nr. 159, March–April 2021, S.A.M. MDO, Monaco PDF

“Storie di legno locale – Il percorso Ispace,” COOP Cooperazione, n.11, 16.03.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Archi-culture – Living as Martians on Earth and humans on Mars ‘smoothly’,” Hub magazine n.3, Corriere del Ticino, 03.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Il paese è piccolo, le idee grandi – Così Rossa rilancia la valle,” Corriere del Ticino, 12.03.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Holzkunst im Calancatal,” FIRST Magazin 1/21, Pro Holzbau Schweiz GmbH, Switzerland PDF

“WAP Art Space,” MINI Building, vol. 10, A&C Publishing Co., South Korea PDF

“Swisshouse XXXII,” MINI Building, vol. 10, A&C Publishing Co., South Korea PDF

“Burg aus Beton,” 100 Traumhäuser, Callwey, Germany PDF

“Das Dorfhaus,” 100 Traumhäuser, Callwey, Germany PDF

“Verwandlungskunst,” 100 Traumhäuser, Callwey, Germany PDF

“Symbiose entre Art et Architecture,” Maisons et Ambiances, no. 01/2021, Édition Etzel SA, Switzerland PDF

“Tre cappelle di David Tremlett in Val Calanca,” THEMA 10/20 rivista dei beni culturali ecclesiastici , Centro studi Architettura e Liturgia, 06.02.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Casa del mes – Swisshouse XXXV,” Arquitectura Viva n.231, Arquitectura Viva SL, 01-02.2021, Spain PDF

“Archi-culture – Density vs. quality: it is time to reconsider the rules,” Hub magazine n.2, Corriere del Ticino, 02.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Archi-culture – In the future buildings will also feed us,” Hub magazine n.1, Corriere del Ticino, 01.2021, Switzerland PDF

“Rossa kreiert Räume für Träume,” Tessiner Zeitung, 22 January, Switzerland PDF

“Modern Tree Houses – ISPACE,” INHERITAGE magazine, winter issue, Taiwan Sotheby’s International Realty, Taiwan PDF

“Lebende Skulptur – Kubatur zwischen Kunst und Architektur,” inspiration architektur! 1.2021, medienhausbrandenburger, Deutschland PDF

“Holz – nachhaltiger Rohstoff,” inspiration architektur! 1.2021, medienhausbrandenburger, Deutschland PDF

“ISPACE – Ein Bild 1000 Worte,” BIANCO Alpine Lifestyle Magazine, Winter 2020/21, BIANCO Verlag GmbH, Switzerland PDF


“Nuovi spazi sensoriali in bosco,” Agricoltore Ticinese, nr.49, 04.12.2020, Switzerland PDF

“(Bau-)Kunst in der Abgeschiedenheit,” db deutsche bauzeitung, 12.2020, Konradin Medien GmbH, Germany PDF

“ISPACE – Permanente Holzinstallation,” Architecture Suisse, 219 n. 4-2020, Editions Anthony Krafft, Switzerland PDF

“Dans le Viseur – Destinations,” Maisons et Ambiances, no. 05/2020, Édition Etzel SA, Switzerland PDF

“Retour à la nature,” Maisons et Ambiances, no. 05/2020, Édition Etzel SA, Switzerland PDF

Chenot Palace Weggis Art and Architecture, Switzerland PDF

“Chenot Palace Weggis Health Wellness Hotel,” Concept, 2020 Architecture Awards, vol. 259, CA Press, South Korea PDF

“Chenot Palace Weggis Health Wellness Hotel,” Archiworld, no. 306, Archiworld Co Ltd., South Korea PDF

“Das Calancatal ist jetz auch Kunst,” Zeitung Südostschweiz, 24 October, Switzerland PDF

“Kunst am Haus,” Häuser des Jahres 2020, Callwey, Germany PDF

“Chenot Palace Weggis, Wellness Retreat,” G&G Magazine, no. 21, September, Italy PDF

“Chenot Palace Weggis,” European SPA Magazine, no. 77, August–September, Spa Publishing, United Kingdom PDF

Top Design Small Project, Archiworld September 2020, Archiworld Co Ltd, South Korea PDF

“Chenot Palace Weggis,” Wellhotel, no. 67, June-July-August, Mathias Huter & Michael Klimesch, Austria PDF

“Swisshouse XXXIV in Galbisio,” Villa Design, June, Braun Publishing, Switzerland PDF

“Swisshouse XXII in Preonzo,” Single-Family Houses in Switzerland and Austria, May, Braun Publishing, Switzerland PDF

“Wellness-Tempel öffnet seine Tore,” Zuger Zeitung, 23 May, Switzerland PDF

“Swisshouse XXXV,” L’Arca International nr. 154, May–June 2020, S.A.M. MDO, Monaco PDF

“Swisshouse XXXV,” Wallpaper, 8 March, United Kingdom LINK

“In the heart of the Swiss Alps,” G&G Magazine, no. 19, March, Italy LINK

“Ressourcensparendes zweistöckiges Haus,” Inspiration Design! Architektur & design, no. 1.2020, medienhausbrandenburger, Germany PDF

“Ein Ort für Gegenwart – Trutzburg Elemente aus Sichtbeton,” Inspiration Design! Architektur & design, January, medienhausbrandenburger, Germany PDF

“Segni indelebili,” Quaderni grigionitaliani – Arte Storia Cultura, anno 89/1-2020, Switzerland PDF


“Wap Art Space, The Plan Award – Winners & Honorable Mentions 2019,” suppl. The Plan, no. 119, December 19 – January 20, Maggioli, Italy PDF

“Aménagements intérieurs – Le bois sous toutes ses formes,” Brochure no. 20, Lignum, Switzerland PDF

“Costruire con l’arte – La Swisshouse di Rossa,” Ticino7, no. 43, La Regione, Switzerland PDF

“Das Dorfhaus,” Häuser des Jahres 2019, Callwey, Germany PDF

“Residenza privata ‘Swisshouse XXV’ tradizione e modernità,” The Plan, September, Maggioli, Italy LINK

“Fede sgargiante,” Azione – settimanale di informazione e cultura, no. 36, 2 September, Switzerland PDF

“Calanca: radici, architettura, arte… e il mondo intorno,” Quaderni grigionitaliani – Arte Storia Cultura, y. 88, 2, Switzerland PDF

“La rivoluzione di Tremlett sulle cappelle di Rossa,” L’Osservatore magazine, 19 August, Switzerland PDF

“Rossa – Ort dreier farbigen Kirchen,” Tessiner Zeitung, 16 August, Switzerland PDF

“Märchenhaus für Kunstliebhaber,” Häuser, 4, Gruner + Jahr, Germany PDF

“Arte – Una ricca offerta ‘open air’,” Corriere del Ticino, 1 July, Switzerland PDF

«Drawing from context –  SWISSHOUSE XXXII in  Rossa» onorable mention at Architecture of Necessity 2019 PDF

“Quel tocco di colore nella vivace Rossa,” Corriere del Ticino, 27 June, Switzerland PDF

“Architektur Graubünden,” Raum und Wohnen, June–July, Etzel Verlag , Switzerland PDF

“Citadel of care,” ADF Architects Data file, June, netMAGmedia Ltd., United Kingdom PDF

“Concern for humanity expressed in brick”, Petersen, Spring, Denmark PDF

“Swisshouse XI in Lumino,” Phaidon’s Atlas of Brutalist Architecture, USA PDF

“New House Architecture – Swisshouse XXXIV,” Hinge Magazine, vol. 271, Hinge Marketing Ltd., Hong Kong PDF

Will Jones, Making Marks – Architects’ Sketchbook, The creative process, Thames & Hudson, February, United Kingdom PDF

“Israel opens rare public hospital,” ADF Architects Data file, February, netMAGmedia Ltd., United Kingdom PDF

“Art through architecture,” G&G Magazine, no. 11, January, Italy PDF

“Davide Macullo – ein Star ohne Allüren,” Tessiner Zeitung, 4 January, Switzerland PDF


Daniel Buren, Davide Macullo, Swisshouse Rossa, permanent work in situ, Edizioni Casagrande, Switzerland LINK

“Gestreifte Landschaft,” Hochparterre, Hochparterre AG, 18 October, Switzerland PDF

“Swisshouse Rossa,” Interior+Design, Forward Media Group, Russia PDF

“11 récompenses internationales pour une maison Suisse,” Espace Contemporains, construction & renovation, Editions Prestige SA, Switzerland PDF

“Kunstbau” and “Burg aus Beton,” Häuser des Jahres 2018, Callwey, Germany PDF

“A different stripe,” Interior design homes, Fall 18, Sandow, USA PDF

“Inaugurata la Swiss House Rossa,” La Voce del San Bernardino, 4 October, Switzerland PDF

“Rossa, Inaugurata la Swiss House,” Corriere del Ticino, 3 October, Switzerland PDF

“Inaugurata a Rossa la Swiss House,” La Regione, 1 October, Switzerland PDF

“Swiss House a Rossa tra natura, passato e futuro,” La Regione, 29 September, Switzerland PDF

“Farbklecks,” German H.O.M.E Magazine, September, Ahead Media GmbH, Germany PDF

“Espacios transicionales,” Chic Haus Magazine, September, Grupo Milenio, Mexico PDF

“WAP Art Space,” ADF Architects Data file, September, netMAGmedia Ltd., United Kingdom PDF

“Calanca, la casa di Rossa diventata un’opera d’arte,” Corriere del Ticino, 13 September, Switzerland PDF

“WAP Art Space,” Architectural material 1 – Brick & Tile, Damdi Publishing, South Korea PDF

“Swisshouse Rossa,” Architectural material 2 – Wood, Damdi Publishing, South Korea PDF

“House in Muzzano,” Architectural material 3 – Glass, Damdi Publishing, South Korea PDF

“An eye to the future,” G&G Magazine, no. 9, September, Italy PDF

“WAP Art Space” / “Swisshouse XXXIV,” New works, Archiworld, 280, Archiworld Co. Ltd., South Korea PDF

“Davide Macullo’s WAP Art Space combines art and dwelling”, Wallpaper, online edition, 3 August, United Kingdom LINK

“Lebende Skulptur” / “Klare Strukturen” / “Ein Ort für die Gegenwart,” Inspiration Design! Architektur & design, February, medienhausbrandenburger, Germany

“Knotty – Swisshouse XXXII,” Hinge Magazine, vol. 265, Hinge Marketing Ltd., Hong Kong PDF

“Fernsicht Schweiz,” Traumhaus, no. 3, BL Verlag, Switzerland PDF

“Ein Fall für Architektur,” Traumhaus, no. 2, BL Verlag, Switzerland PDF

Interview with Davide Macullo, Home & Garden Lifestyle Magazine, vol. 227, January, Lee Sim, South Korea PDF

“Swisshouse XXXII,” Architecture Suisse, 208, January, Editions Anthony Krafft, Switzerland PDF

“Auf immer weniger Bodenfläche,” UBS Real Estate Focus, Switzerland


“Modernt val schweizisk dal,” Cementa, no. 3, Appelberg Publishing Group, Sweden PDF

“An unconventional Swiss concrete house by Davide Macullo Architects”, Wallpaper, online edition, 23 December, United Kingdom LINK

“Alpine lines,” Wallpaper, 28 September, Time Inc. Ltd., United Kingdom PDF

“Une relation entre Tradition et langage moderne,” Idea, April, BL Verlag, Switzerland PDF

“Wal Chong gallery,” Concept, no. 221, CA Press, South Korea PDF

“Ristrutturare senza alterare i valori storici,” Tuttocasa, a. 10, no. 3, Edimen Sagl, Switzerland PDF

“Design tra passato e futuro,” Ticino Management Donna, no. 71, c/o Publigood SA, Switzerland PDF

“Park Hotel Weggis wird Wellness und Gesundheitszentrum,” Wochen-Zeitung, 8, September, Switzerland PDF

“Swisshouse XXII Progettare in sezione,” Archi, 2, Espazium, Switzerland PDF

“SwisshouseXXII,” Markt Impulse, Intuition, no. 1, Brillux GmbH, Switzerland PDF

“Das Verzascatal zu Füssen,” Traumhaus, no. 4, BL Verlag, Switzerland PDF


“Il valore della parsimonia,” Ticino Welcome, no. 49, c/o Publigood SA, Switzerland PDF

Panel Layout For Competition, Damdi Publishing Co., South Korea PDF

Highlights Architecture 8, Shanglin A&C Ltd, China PDF


“Jansen Campus,” Atlas of European Architecture, Braun Publishing, Germany PDF

“Clubhouse for Lan Hai Quanzhou Watercity,” Interior, no. 264, MJ Publishing Co. Ltd, Sept., Taiwan PDF

“Drynews,” Drytech, October, Switzerland PDF

“Jansen Campus,” Home+Living Trends, 4, no. 31, Trends Publishing Shanghai, China PDF

“Jansen Campus,” Working In Style Architecture + Interiors, Braun Publishing, Germany PDF


Beyond Architecture Advancing Art Force, exhibition catalogue, China PDF

“Gallery Lee Whal Chong,” Jigan Special IssueJeju, Quarterly Journal, vol. 3, South Korea PDF

A+C Detail Architecture Elements 9, A&C Publishing, South Korea

A+C Detail Architecture Elements 10, A&C Publishing, South Korea

120 Global Top Villas, Ocean Readings Culture Communications, Shenzhen, China

“Wal Chong Gallery,” Archiworld, no. 226, March, South Korea

Global Architecture Today, Designer and Designing, Shanghai, China

Global Design Trends 2, Thinkarchit Group, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, China PDF

“Jansen Campus- Innovation Und Technik,” Traces/Archi, special edition, Tec21 Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Zurich


Davide Macullo Architects Jansen Campus, Skira Editore, Italy

100xn Architecture Shape And Skin II, Hong Kong Architecture Science Press, Hong Kong PDF

Architectural Facade, Vol. 1, Hong Kong Polytechnic International Publishing Co, China

“Jansen Campus,” Architecture+Detail, no. 2,

Dalian University of Technology Press, China

“Jansen Campus- Die Entstehung Einer Vision,” Architektur Exklusiv Lifestyle, Premium Median Verlag, Germany PDF

“Raum für Innovation und Technik,” Architektur Intelligente Fassade, no. 02, Laser Verlag Gmbh, Austria PDF

“Un toit difficile avec de grandes longueurs…couvert à double agrafage en Rheinzink,” Batitech, no. 3, USTSC, Switzerland

“Regardez la nouvelle façade attrayante avec métal étiré,” Batitech, no. 1/2, USTSC, Switzerland

“Building a Vision,” Architecture + Art, Vol. 33, no. 8, Architectural Society of China, China PDF

“Building a Vision,” Building Giants, Abs Publication, February, India PDF

“Innovación Arquitectonica,” Chic Haus Magazine, May, Grupo Milenio, Mexico PDF

“Kristall Aus Oberriet,” Gebäudehülle, no. 02, Assoc. des Entreprises L’enveloppe des édifices, Switzerland

Avi Friedman, Inspired Homes: Architecture For Changing Times, Images Publishing, Australia

“Jansen Campus,” Offices, Braun Publishing, Switzerland PDF

“Not to Be a Lonely Artist,” Real Home, The Beijing News, February, China PDF

The Award Winning Works of Idea Tops 2012, Shenzhen, China


100xn Architecture Shape and Skin, Hong Kong Architecture Science Press, Hong Kong PDF

“Schulungszentrum In Oberriet,” Ait, no. 9, September, Verlagsanstalt Alexander Koch Gmbh, Germany PDF

“Jansen Campus,” Architecture + Detail, no. 05, Dalian University of Technology Press, China PDF

“Cover Story Jansen Campus,” Architecture and Culture, no. 374, July, ANC Book, South Korea PDF

“Cover Story Jansen Campus,” Architecture World, no. 206, July, Archiworld Pa, South Korea PDF

“Gebaute Visionen,” Architektur + Technik, Sonderausgabe Fassaden, B+L Verlags Ag, Switzerland PDF

“Produkt Am Bau,” Architektur + Technik, no. 01, B+L Verlags Ag, Switzerland

“Jansen Campus,” Architektur Heute, no. 4, Switzerland PDF

“Jansen Campus,” Bau Info, no. 7, Herausgeberin und Verlag, Switzerland PDF

“Blick auf die Neue,” Bau Info, no. 10, Herausgeberin Und Verlag, Switzerland PDF

“Das Anspruchsvolle Dach,” Bau Info, no. 12, Herausgeberin Und Verlag, Switzerland PDF

“Die Neue Fassade Vom Campus Jansen Mit Rheinzink,” Bauflash, no. 11, Verlag Laupper, Switzerland

“Dach und Fassade am neuen Campus Jansen in Oberriet,” Bauen Heute, no. 10, D+D Verlag, Switzerland

“Office Architecture,” Beyond, no. 14, Tang Art Design + Information Group, Hong Kong PDF

Building Skin, Hongkong Polytechnic International Publishing Co. Ltd, China

Cad Collective Drawings of Architectural Design Detail, Thinkarchit Group, Huazhong University of Science And Technology Press, China PDF

“Gebaute Visionen,” Fassade Façade, no. 3, Szff/Csff, Switzerland PDF

Fine and Pure Modern Interior Design, Open & Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, China PDF

Global Architecture Studio, Rihan Technology, Beijing, China PDF

Headquarters Base, Hi-Design International Publishing, Hong Kong PDF

“Grosse Flachen, Beschwingt, Lebendig und Voller Raffi Leichtigkeit,” Hk-Gebäudetechnik, nr. 11, Az Fachverlage Ag, Switzerland

Hotel Decor, Designerbooks, Hong Kong

“Aspiring To The Classics,” Interior Design, November, Interior Design Media, USA

“Jansen Campus: Building A Vision,” Interior Magazine, no. 229, October, MJ Publishing Co. Ltd, Taiwan PDF

“Celebrity of IW: Davide Macullo Architects,” Interior World, no. 108, Archiworld Pa, July, South Korea PDF

“Cover Story Building A Vision,” International New Architecture, no. 12, Ifengspace Shanghai, China PDF

“Von Der Vision Zur Hülle,” Klempner Magazin, nr. 06, Verlag Rudolf Müller, Germany

Leisure Hours, Restaurant + Spa Design, Designerbooks, Hong Kong

“Metall,” Smu, July, Switzerland PDF

“Floating Above the Sea at Crete,” Objekt International, no. 56, Fonk Publications, Holland PDF

“Yachting Club Villas at Elounda Beach Crete,” Objekt Russia, no. 12, Hans Fonk Publications, Moscow, Russia PDF

“Jansen Campus,” Salon, no. 11, Cjsc Ukrainian Publishing House Ukraine, Ukraine PDF

Yao Jing (edited by), Swissmadeinitaly. Davide Macullo Architects, Ifengspace, China

“Jansen Campus,” Touch Decor, no. 28, July-October, M+A Services, Lebanon

“Vues du Zinc,” no. 6, October, VMZINC, Switzerland PDF

“Jansen Campus,” Workshop, no. 07, Choi Gallery Publication, California + Shanghai PDF

World Architecture 1, Madison Series, China PDF


150 + Residences of the World, Thinkarchit Group, China

M. Cleary (edited by), 200 Houses, Images Publishing, Australia

A Grand Collection of Magnificent Villas, Ifengspace, China

A Prize Exposynergy, Miodino Premia L’architettura, Exposynergy, Italy

“The State of Contemporary Korean Architecture,” Architecture & Culture, no. 361, June, A&C Publishing, South Korea PDF

Architecture Highlights 3, Shanglin A&C Limited, Hong Kong, China

M. Balzani, N. Marzot, Architetture per un territorio sostenibile, Skira, Italy

Arch-Manual 4, AADCU Program, Ifengspace, China

Artwork: Restaurant & Hotel Design, Ifengspace, China

Betonprisma, no. 92, Informations Zentrum Beton Gmbh, July, Germany PDF

Marco Moro, The Ecological House: Sustainable Architecture Around the World, White Star, Italy

“Cleantech Switzerland And Macullo Success Story,” Cleantech, August, Switzerland PDF

Detail In Architetuur, Sdu Uitgevers, February, Nederlands

H. Rauterberg, B. Hintze, Die Besten Einfamilienhauser, Callwey, Germany

“La casa en Lumino Suiza,” En Blanco, no. 6, General de Ediciones de Arquitectura, S.L., Spain PDF

“Shifting Planes,” Inside Outside, no. 308, February, Business India Publications, India PDF

“The Peaceful Garden. Vimercate Hospital,” Interior Public Space, August, Dalian University of Technology Press, China PDF

“Un monolithe strict et linéaire,” Maisons et Ambiances, no. 3, May-June, Editions Etzel, Switzerland PDF

“Une architecture géométrique comme interface avec le passé,” Villas, no. 81, Eder Sa, February, Belgium PDF

Villas of the World, Boyuan Int’l Press Co. Ltd., China PDF

Upper Class Club, Design Vision, Fujian Science and Technology Publishing House, China PDF

“Neubau Jansen Campus,” Panorama, Jansen AG, Nos. 10 + 11, Switzerland PDF


“Jansen baut ‘Campus’ mit Schüler Mario Bottas”, DER RHEINTALER, 30 April, Switzerland, PDF

“Tre progetti per il futuro della città”, GIORNALE DI VIMERCATE, 20 April, Italy

“Yacht Club Villas at Elounda Beach Resort,” Architecture & Culture, no. 344, January, A&C Publishing, South Korea PDF

“Auf der Sonnenseite de Lebens,” Baumetall, no. 25, February, Tfv Fachverlag, Germany PDF

“House in Lumino, Switzerland,” Beton.Tks, no. 6, December, SVB, Czech Republic PDF

“House In Canobbio,” Archiworld, no. 176, January, Archiworld, South Korea

“Blocco alla Ticinese,” Costruire, no. 321, February, Editrice Abitare Segesta, Italy PDF

“House in Lumino,” Country Housing + Culture, no. 142, December, Lee Sim, South Korea PDF

“House in Canobbio,” Details, no. 19, January, A&C Publishing, South Korea PDF

“Audaz, con naturalidad,” Espacio & Confort, no. 75, June, Klima Visual, Argentina PDF

“House in Lumino,” Hise, House of the World, no. 59, May, Zavod Big, Slovenia PDF

“House in Lumino,” Interior World, no. 83, February, Archiworld, South Korea PDF

IQD Inside Quality Design, no. 15, July–September, Verbus Editrice, Italy

“Cizgiden Gercege,” Konsept Projeler, September, Turkey PDF

“A betondoboz inkább a hegyek szikláival, mint a környező házak stilusával van összefüggésben,” Metszet, no. 1, January–February, Artifex Kiado, Hungary PDF

“Bauen mit Fingerspitzengefühl,” Oberes Rheintal, 31 May, Switzerland PDF

“House in Canobbio,” “House in Lumino,” Omni Housing, no. 8, Archiworld, South Korea PDF

“Casa a Lumino, Alpi Svizzere,” Ottagono, no. 227, February, Editrice Compositori, Italy PDF

“Comprensione del paesaggio,” Ottagono, no. 226, December, Editrice Compositori, Italy PDF

M. Balzani, Progetto per l’abitare, Maggioli, Italy

“Innovativer Monolith mit Bezug zur Tradition,” Raum und Wohnen, nos. 06/07, July-August, Etzel-Verlag Ag, Switzerland PDF

“Wir sind für die Zukunft gerüstet,” Rheinalische Volkszeitung, 27 May, Switzerland PDF

“Tre progetti per il futuro della città,” Giornale di Vimercate, 20 April, Italy

“Jansen Baut ‘Campus,’ mit Schüler Mario Bottas,” Der Rheintaler, 30 April, Switzerland


“Carabbia House,” “Comano House,” “Ticino House,” B. Browne (edited by), 100 Country Houses, Images Publishing, Australia PDF

“Casa d’abitazione rivestita in metallo,” Archi, no. 1, Espazium, Switzerland PDF

“House In Carabbia,” “House In Comano,” Architecture & Interior Details, no. 13, January, A&C Publishing, South Korea PDF

“Ein Schiff Wird…,” Architektur & Technik, November, B+L Verlags Ag, Switzerland PDF

“Nella Thala Spa dell’Elounda Beach Hotel & Villas,” Area Wellness, no. 38, July–August, Headmaster International Srl, Italy PDF

“Giornico,” Baubiologie, no. 1, Switzerland PDF

“The Dinamic Duo,” Big Fish, Proto Thema Newspapers, May, Greece PDF

“Case Creative – Fantasia Therapy,” Casaviva, no. 2, February, Mondadori, Italy PDF

“House in Lumino,” Details, no. 18, December, A&C Publishing, South Korea PDF

“The Ultimate Expression of Glamorous, Ultra-Modern Hotel Living,” Harpers’ Bazaar, Hearst Communications, United Kingdom PDF

“La Forma del Sentir,” Supplemento Home, Argentina PDF

IQD Inside Quality Design, no. 14, Verbus Editrice, Italy

“Tecu Architecture Award 2007,” Kme, Kme Group, Germany PDF

“Pool House Uzes – France,” Monitor, no. 55, August, Mode… Information, Italy PDF

“Ticino House,” The Architectural Review, Emap Inform, November, United Kingdom PDF

“Living in a Swiss Eco-House,” World Radio, Switzerland PDF


“House in Ticino, Switzerland,” Architecture & Detail, Metal Tectonic, August, China PDF

“Kme/Tecu Architecture Award 2007,” Architektur Aktuell – The Art Of Building, no. 336, March, Springer Verlag, Austria PDF

“Edles Metall,” Fassaden – Architektur & Technik, Sonderausgabe 2008, Frener & Reifer Schweiz Gmbh, Switzerland PDF

“Architect of the Month: Davide Macullo,” Archiworld, no. 162, Archiworld, Seoul, South Korea PDF

“Paesaggio Privato,” Costruire, no. 299, April, Abitare Segesta, Italy PDF

House with a View. Residential Mountain Architecture, Images Publishing, Australia PDF

“House In Comano,” Interior Architecture of China, October, Asong, China

“House In Carabbia,” Interior Architecture of China, April, Asong, China

“Casa a Carabbia, Canton Ticino,” L’arca, no. 235, April, L’arca Editore, Italy PDF

“Casa In Ticino,” L’architettura naturale, nos. 40–41, September–December, Edicom Edizioni, Italy PDF

“Vivienda en Ticino,” Metalocus, no. 23, November, Metalocus, Spain PDF

“Single-Family House Carabbia, Switzerland,” Monitor, no. 49, March, Mode… Information, Russia PDF

“Contract Industry,” Ottagono, no. 214, October, Editrice Compositori, Italy PDF

“House in Ticino,” Plan. The Art of Architecture and Design, no. 7, July–August, MCD Media Ltd., Ireland PDF

Urban Style, Evergreen, Germany PDF


“Davide Macullo,” Architectura, no. 59, November, Q-Group Project, Romania PDF

“Maison à Comano,” “Maison à Gorduno,” “Loft à Castagnola,” Architecture Méditerranéenne, no. 65, December, Edition R.K., France PDF

“Geheimnisvoller Wohnbetonkubus,” Fokus Immobilien, no. 3, April, Home & Business, Austria PDF

“Frammenti Moderni,” Frames, no. 125, December, Faenza Editrice, Italy PDF

“Grecia, avventura deluxe,” Grazia, no. 27, July, Mondadori, Italy PDF

“I balsami di Venere,” Grecia. I Viaggi del Sole, nr. 7, July, Rizzoli Publishing Italia, Italy PDF

“La Casa,” Casa di vacanza, no. 13, Federico Motta Editore, Italy PDF

“Davide Macullo,” La Vie d’or, no. 5, May, ABC Publisher, South Korea PDF

Progettare con il legno, Maggioli Editore, Italy PDF


Philip Jodidio, Architecture in Switzerland, Taschen, Germany PDF

“Heaven On Earth,” Harper’s Bazaar, no. 11, Hearst Communications, United Kingdom PDF

Philip Jodidio, Minimum Space Maximum Living, Images Publishing, Australia PDF


Beton 05, Cem-Suisse, Switzerland PDF

“Il paesaggio dentro,” Ottagono, no. 177, February, Editrice Compositori, Italy PDF

“Casa unifamiliare,” “Casa a Gorduno,” Young European Architects, Clean Edizioni, Italy PDF


Bagni, Federico Motta Editore, Italy PDF

“Vivere nel paesaggio,” Excellent, no. 1, November–December, C’era l’H, Italy PDF

“Una costruzione di luce,” Frames, no. 108, February–March, Faenza Editrice, Italy PDF

“Prestazioni ambientali di una serra,” Installatore, nr. 1, May, Fabio Sacchi, Switzerland PDF

“Un volume fortificato,” Ottagono, no. 173, September, Editrice Compositori, Italy PDF

“Casa a Muzzano,” “Casa a Gorduno,” Progetti di architettura bioecologica, Maggioli Editore, Italy PDF

“Casa di vacanza a Rossa 1998, 47 Mq,” Spazi minimi, Federico Motta Editore, Italy PDF

“Wohnhaus in Muzzano,” Tessin Architektur, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt Gmbh, Germany PDF


“Prestazioni ambientali di una serra all’insegna del risparmio energetico,” Abcd, no. 12, December, Edimet, Italy PDF

Case nel mondo, Federico Motta Editore, Italy PDF

“Casa unifamiliare a Muzzano,” Il Progetto, no. 15, March, Mancosu Editore, Italy PDF

“Davide Macullo,” Inside, no. 13, Artpublica AE, Greece PDF


“Un contenitore di luce,” L’architettura naturale, nr. 17, October-December, Edicom Edizioni, Italy PDF

“Una casa per volare,” Ottagono, no. 153, September, Editrice Compositori, Italy PDF


“Casa di vacanza a Rossa, Grigioni,” Archi, nr. 5, October, Espazium, Switzerland PDF
